Birth Trauma Australia – About the Survey – closes 31 October 2024
If you have experienced birth-related trauma. We need your voices!
AT Birth Trauma Australia – we’ve heard from many women and people who are having a hard time getting affordable access to treatments and management options to help them feel better after experiencing birth-related trauma.
We’re doing this survey to learn more about the challenges you face after experiencing birth-related trauma. Your answers will give us important information to help improve future treatments and support systems.
By filling out this survey, you will:
- Help with Research:
Your answers will help researchers and healthcare providers develop more effective treatments and support.
- Raise Awareness:
Sharing your story can help others understand how birth-related trauma affects women, people, their families and the whole community, helping to create greater awareness and understanding.
- Influence Policy:
Your input might help change healthcare policies and make targeted treatments available through programs like Medicare.
The survey is simple and will take around 20 minutes of your time. It asks questions about your birth, your health, and your experiences with birth-related trauma. Your answers will stay private.
Thank you for taking the time to help our mission for safer births and better healing.