Recommended Reading


The following books have been useful to our members. If you have a book you think should be added to this list, please let us know so we can create a holistic space for people to find everything they need to help them through this difficult time.

Please note, these resources are designed to support you on your journey and do not replace diagnosis and treatment from a qualified health professional.

Becoming Us by Elly Tayor

8 Steps to grow a family that thrives. Based on 15 years of research, Becoming Us describes the normal stages that mothers, fathers, and partners go through as they raise a family, and ways to navigate each stage. People say nothing can prepare parents for parenthood, but Becoming Us gives you the knowledge, practical skills and guidance to love, learn and grow – step by step – into a family that thrives.

Pelvic Floor Essentials by Sue Croft

This easy-to-read book has 90 pages and over 50 illustrations and is packed full of information. Following the success of her first book ‘Pelvic Floor Recovery: Physiotherapy for Gynaecological Surgery’, Sue has written this second book to assist women in learning how to correct any bladder and pelvic floor problems using conservative measures whether having had children or not. Many women suffer with pelvic floor dysfunction such as stress urinary incontinence and prolapse following vaginal deliveries.

Becoming Mum by Koa Whittingham

With much excitement and joy, I’d like to announce the ‘birth’ of my new book: Becoming Mum. Becoming Mum is a truly unique self-help book. It is the first book written to support women, all women, through the psychological passage to motherhood, empowering them to become the kind of mother they wish to be. Becoming Mum is grounded in the latest scientific literature on parenting and psychological health, drawing from mindfulness-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Attachment Theory.

Pelvic organ prolapse – a silent epidemic by Sherrie Palm

Pelvic Organ Prolapse, or POP, is a little talked about female health issue that half of all childbearing women will experience late in life. There are more than 300,000 surgeries for POP annually. Due to various causes such as menopause, estrogen loss, genetics, childbirth or heavy lifting, a woman’s pelvic organs can shift or drop. This can lead to POP symptoms, including some painful and embarrassing ones, as well as impacting a woman’s sexuality.

Choosing Caesarean by Pauline Hull and Dr Magnus Murphy

Obstetrician and gynecologist Magnus Murphy, MD, and journalist/advocate Pauline McDonagh Hull offer a compelling case for surgical delivery as a legitimate birth choice for informed women. By offering a wealth of medical evidence from around the world and thoughtfully countering the many objections detractors have lodged against it, the authors convincingly demonstrate that a planned cesarean birth at thirty-nine- plus weeks is a safe and often preferred alternative to a planned vaginal delivery.

Oh Baby: Birth, Babies & Motherhood Uncensored by Kathy Fray

After having her own three children, Kathy Fray was annoyed at the existing mother-craft guide-books available: “They were usually all about the baby, with a seeming white-wash over the mother’s experiences … and always so perfect espousing their pious ideologies. I wanted to write realistic middle-of-the-road guilt-free truths, so this is a non-politically-correct book that is sensible, practical and brutally honest!”

The Day My Vagina Broke by Stephanie Thompson

The Day My Vagina Broke' follows one woman's journey to becoming a mumma and how she had no idea childbirth could break your vagina… and you.

Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts by Karen Kleiman and Molly McIntyre

Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts is packed with world-class guidance, simple exercises, and nearly 50 stigma-busting cartoons from the viral #speakthesecret campaign that help new moms validate their feelings, share their fears, and start feeling better. Lighthearted yet serious, warm yet not sugary, and perfectly portioned for busy moms with full plates, Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts is the go-to resource for moms, partners, and families everywhere who need help with this difficult period.