Birth Trauma Workshops for parents and health professionals
These workshops are being conducted as part of Birth Trauma Awareness Week 2020.
For Health Professionals
10 September 2020, 6pm - 8pm
Canapes and drinks provided
For Parents
11 September 2020, 9:30am -11:30am
Morning tea provided
Venue for both events is the Mercure Kawana Waters, 9 Florey Blvd, Birtinya.
the program
Amy Dawes – Co-Founder and CEO of Australasian Birth Trauma Association
Amy will introduce our event and speak about ABTA – who they are, what they do and provide information on ABTA’s services and community.
Eliza Pike – Director/ Owner of Blackbird House and Blackbird Counselling (perinatal counselling)
Eliza will discuss psychological birth trauma, what it means, how it happens, how to recover and go on to have subsequent births without anxiety.
Candice Lamb – Women’s Physiotherapist with Sports and Spinal
Candice will discuss physical birth trauma and what you can do in pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period to prevent and/or treat any physical injuries from birth.
Vicki Holmes – Principal Medical Lawyer, Slater and Gordon Sunshine Coast
Legal issues impacting Parents and/or Children in association with Birth Trauma and the Law.